Alopecia Hair Loss Treatment

Alopecia Totalis Treatment for Hair Regrowth

“Alopecia” is the scientific term associated with hair loss and comes from Latin. The first step in fighting hair loss is to asquint yourself with the many terms associated with hair loss. Most people, however, get confused by the scientific jargons that accompany various sites offering information on hair loss and hair loss solutions and Alopecia Totalis treatment. For this reason, here are all the types of “Alopecia” to help you understand the right type of Alopecia hair loss treatment or Alopecia natural treatment as well as the type of hair loss that you may be suffering from:

Alopecia Areata

An autoimmune disorder, which causes small, patchy circular bald patches to spawn around the scalp! Alopecia Areata natural treatment will help you getting rid of this problem.

Alopecia Totalis

Total loss of scalp hair, which is a progressive form of Alopecia Areata! Looking for Alopecia totalis hair treatment is important to keep your hair grow better.

Alopecia Universalis

A severe progressive form of Alopecia areata that is defined by the loss of all hair on the whole body

Androgenetic Alopecia

Is hormone induced hair loss. Androgens are a class of hormones that shape and control a human chrematistic. The human body produces an enzyme know as Type II alpha reductase which causes the testosterone, produced from androgen, to go through a chemical reaction that creates the DHT molecule. DHT binds easily to hair follicles, shrinking the follicles, resulting in a shorter hair life span and abnormal hair growth. The thinning and or balding process starts after.

Anagen Effluvium

Drug induced hair loss from taking medications such as those from chemotherapy, excessive doses of vitamin A, and hypertension from medications that destroy hair follicles.

Telogen Effluvium

Hair loss induced from an increase in the number of hair follicles entering the dead stage. The most common causes of Telogen effluvium leading to alopecia are:

 Physical Stress: medical surgery, serious illness, rapid weight change, etc.

 Emotional Stress: death in family, mental disorder, etc.

– Thyroid irregularity

 Hormonal Changes: pregnancy, birth control pills, menopause, etc.

Normal hair growth can be reestablished by fighting or reversing the above causes!


Now that you are educated on the different types of hair loss, you can effectively determine which type of “Alopecia” you suffer from, so that you can actively take steps to prevent your condition from getting worse! After knowing about the causes and types, you can also get good Alopecia herbal treatment or for any specific type of Alopecia like:

  • Alopecia Areata Natural Treatment
  • Alopecia Hair Loss Treatment
  • Alopecia Herbal Treatment
  • Alopecia Totalis Hair Regrowth
  • Alopecia Totalis Treatment

    Don’t let your “Alopecia” control your life, because Saini Herbal Scalp & Hair Conditioner® can help you reverse the problem!